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Roll20 Marketplace Product

Kobold Alone: Traps, Treasure, and Chaos!

Author: Tom Cartos

Addon: Content which can be added into any game - new or existing!

Price: $7.99
This Game Addon is available in the following bundles

Kobold Alone: Traps, Treasure, and Chaos!

Take your players through a trap-filled manor in this replayable holiday adventure!

Kobold Alone is a Fifth Edition adventure designed for three to six characters of 1st to 4th level. The adventure is set in a large, nameless estate or mansion that can easily be placed into any setting. It also works perfectly as a one-shot or as a side quest in a larger campaign. The adventure intentionally keeps many of the details vague so you can place your own named NPCs and hooks into the setting without too much effort.

The Set Up

The characters hear a rumor that a local villain in the area recently set out to travel for a week to a distant city. Supposedly, their home is totally empty while they’re gone. And beyond a few locks on the doors and windows, there aren’t a whole lot of safety precautions. No matter what their reasons are for doing so, this is the perfect opportunity for the characters to break into the mansion.

What the characters don’t know, however, is that the villain left behind a band of kobolds to protect their estate—the villain promised each of them a wheel of cheese as a reward. For a kobold, that’s a far greater reward than gold or gems.

These crafty Draconian buggers are more-than-prepared to face burglars, trespassers, and anyone else who dares to enter the estate. They’ve set deadly traps and armed themselves with all manner of mundane weapons.

After all, everyone knows that one kobold is a menace, two kobolds are a threat, and three or more kobolds are downright deadly.


As a DMDave adventure, you can expect the following features and benefits:

Quick Guide

System: D&D 5E
Starting Level: 1-4
Length: 2-3 hours
Installation: Add-On
Sheet: D&D 5E by Roll20


Install this Add-On via the dropdown menu in the Game Addons section of the Game Details Page. Select Kobold Alone: Traps, Treasure, and Chaos! and click on the blue Add to Game button beside the drop-down menu.

Bug and Technical Issue Reporting

If you encounter any bugs or technical issues with this adventure or any of DMDave's adventures on Roll20, visit our Bug Report Page and let us know!

For more adventures by DMDave head over to his Roll20 Marketplace.

i Can only be used with Roll20; cannot be downloaded.

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