The Complete Tome of Magical Mystery is a compilation of all 4 of our original Tomes of Magical Mystery! In this combined bundle you'll receive over 200+ unique magic items to introduce into your campaign.
These handouts are customized for each tier of character level presented in the 5th Edition of the worlds most recognized table top role playing game.
Tier 1 = Character Levels 1-4
Tier 2 = Character Levels 5-10
Tier 3 = Character Levels 11-15
Tier 4 = Character Levels 16-20
Custom high quality art depicting a fully customized magic item on the front of each card allows you to reveal amazing items to your players without them knowing what the item is or does!
Full descriptions of the item mechanics set for 5th Edition on the back along with flavor text helps generate back stories for each item in your world!
If you enjoy this product, visit our website at to find out more and order the physical version.
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)