Two thousand years ago there walked the earth a dark and evil power. It took the shape of a grotesquely formed man and wandered the inhabited lands causing death, disease, and destruction wherever it appeared. This Was the Morga Don a creature that hated all living things. Its sole purpose was to destroy. The Morga Don was a powerful adversary, seven feet tall and clothed in black robes its claws dripping with a deadly poison. It is said it possessed the strength of ten men, and that the Morga Don's look would paralyze the bravest men with fear.
This module has many riddles and traps. Approaching it with caution and intelligence will help players immensely.
Custom Cartography. Developed by Ergo's Emporium.
Unique Monsters & Boss. Each creature has its stat block and custom tokens loaded into the game, for you to run it faster.
Prepared Macros. We've created custom macros for each monster to save you time rolling initiative and saving throws, and attacks.
Dynamic Lighting is set up for all maps.
Token pages for easy access to all tokens.
This adventure will fit into any setting.
Quick Guide
System: D&D 5E
Starting Level: 8-11
Length: 5-8 hours
Installation: Add-On
Sheet: D&D 5E by Roll20
Install this Add-On via the dropdown menu in the Game Addons section of the Game Details Page. Select The Orb and click on the blue Add to Game button beside the drop-down menu.
Bug and Technical Issue Reporting
If you encounter any bugs or technical issues with this adventure or any other of our products please submit a report here:
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)