Oops, you did it again!
We've all been there. A tense moment. You get the enemy in your sights, and BOOM! You rolled a 1 to hit!
We know...it's a drag. But now GMs can make rolling Natural 1s and Critical Fails even more of a drag! The Critical Fail Deck adds consequences to rolling poorly!
In this deck, you get:
▪ 20 Cards
▪ 5 possible outcomes on each card, depending on the situation in which a Critical Fail was rolled
▪ 100 outcomes are possible
▪ Beautiful Card Design
Check us out at: DnDPlay20 and DnDPlay20 Games
Install as Add On
Install this Add-On via the dropdown menu in the Game Addons section of the Game Details Page. Select 'SPELL EFFECTS' Add-on and click on the Add to Game button beside the drop down menu.
▪ You can catch our crazy crew streaming live gameplays on TWITCH
▪ And if you are wanting to play in unstreamed games or just join an amazingly supportive and friendly community, join our DISCORD
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)