Beneath the ever-expanding Lonehaven cemetery lies a forgotten secret, a temple dedicated to Ikara Der, the god of death and decay. Silent Brother Altos, an enigmatic priest, unearths this buried legacy from a cryptic manuscript, disappearing into the temple's shadowy embrace to reawaken its dormant power.
With every passing moon, a sinister transformation grips Lonehaven. The dead rise from their graves, travelers vanish without a trace, and prayers to Ilumna grow ominously faint. The eerie occurrences whisper a single, chilling truth: the grip of Ikara Der tightens around Lonehaven. As the cult thrives once more, will anyone rise to challenge the encroaching darkness?
The Tainted Temple is a puzzle-focused one-shot dungeon crawl for parties at level 6 (or 3) for the 5th and 3rd editions and Pathfinder Second Edition! Featuring new monsters and a multitude of obstacles for players to overcome, it can be easily dropped in into any mystery-themed adventure as a point of interest.
Dungeon Crawl - The Tainted Temple is released as an Add-On. Install the adventure via the dropdown menu in the Game Addons section of the Game Details Page. Select Dungeon Crawl - The Tainted Temple and click on the blue Add to Game button beside the drop-down menu.
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)