In the chilling depths of The Frozen Abyss, an unlikely alliance has formed. Amidst glacial caverns, where icy winds whisper secrets of a forgotten time, an enlightened yeti finds solace and purpose as he forms a bond with a powerful but lazy frost dragon. Together, they create a haven of power and knowledge, surrounded by frost giants and resourceful kobolds. Through the yeti's intellect, this icy refuge thrives.
Will you delve deeper to unravel the secrets behind this unusual alliance and its impact on the frozen lands surrounding it? The fate of The Frozen Abyss and its denizens rests in your hands.
If you would like the full release of all 15 dungeons from the book, you can get it here
This adventure is part of the Seventh Moon Adventures series, set in the captivating World of Celia, and can be easily adapted into any other campaign settings.
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