Revel in Death & Darkness with this D&D5e addon:
• MAGIC ITEM SET – Rumors speak about the Sanguis Lord's power, but the true strength is found when you've acquired all four pieces of this unique item set.
• MAGICAL SPELLS – Creeping from the darkness, these eight spells are sure to haunt your adventures.
• GM VARIANT RULE: UNDEAD TRAITS – Mundane skeletons and zombies are boring, so let's spice them up a touch! These variant rules will introduce some unique qualities to help keep your players on their toes.
• GHOULISH BESTIARY – Fourteen new creatures are ready to shamble into your campaign, including a template to create rot dragons from the corpses of fallen remains.
• UNDEAD ENCOUNTER – A short undead encounter that can be dropped into any campaign, complete with a battlemap depicting a small settlement besieged by an undead army (including Dynamic LoS).
This product is a Roll20 adaptation of the Grim Press 5e Unearthed Spoils Digital Magazine, packed with full-color art illustrating 5e compatible content surrounding a central theme: Magic Items, Classes & Archetypes, Magical Spells, Monsters & NPCs, New Ancestries, and Short Adventures. You can find the D&D5e Unearthed Spoils Digital Magazine on Patreon here.
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)