Adventures in the Imperium - a discussion of the themes and conflicts in Dune and how to use them in your campaign to create new adventures. Each theme comes with several scenario outlines.
Adventure Generator - based on the John Carter system, this section offers a wealth of tables and charts to randomly create a Dune adventure and populate it with NPCs.
Intrigues - 4 ready-made intrigues that set up a situation for the player characters to investigate.
Locations - 3 fully detailed locations, complete with NPCs and scenario hooks - a spice smuggler den, an underworld den in Arrakeen, and a House Wakyu spacecraft for passage on a Guild Heighliner.
Storytelling advice for gamemasters: special advice for story structure, theming, and story hooks specific to the universe to bring to your table.
8 creatures with in-app drag-and-drop, NPCs like Brewen Ayd, an ornithopter pilot your players could meet at the Sand Boulder, a smuggler base.
Adventure and NPC Generators, to make prep a snap, whether your next game is in a week or an hour. These tables are all part of the addon to plug into any Dune campaign at any time!
Which Character Sheet should I use?
All Dune: Adventures in the Imperium content on Roll20 uses the Dune: Adventures in the Imperium by Roll20 character sheet.
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Dune © 2021 Legendary. Dune: Adventures in the Imperium is an officially sub-licensed property from Gale Force Nine, a Battlefront Group Company. All Rights Reserved., except the Modiphius Logo which is Modiphius Entertainment Ltd.
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)