This title (normally $8.99) is only $5.39 for a limited time!
Greetings world builders!
Welcome to the Dynamic Hilltop Ritual!
Pre-built with detailed walls, and custom lighting.
13 custom maps including - haunting mists, snow, green portal, pink portal, white portal, flaming pyre, hanging tree, and night versions of all!
25x25 - gridless
"Olar awkwardly pushed his way through the forest. Alone. Now regretting leaving the road a ways back. His left boot almost entirely full of water. Gentle beams of light broke through the branches up ahead. 'Finally, a tavern!' He muttered. As he pushes aside the final branch before the clearing he sees a small hill. Cloaked figures silhouetted agains a bright light...some sort of chanting. He couldn't quite make it out. Cautiously he takes a step forward."
Happy gaming!
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)