The clock strikes midnight, you clink your glasses, “This will be our year!” Two months later the world is ravaged by a global pandemic. Hospitals are overrun. Basic grocery items are running out. Celebrities offer poorly sung songs as a means of solidarity. Bleak is one word for it. Fiasco is another! We made this playset as a way to take back the power from the hellish year of 2020 the best way we know how—by making fun of it and having fun while doing so. Wear a mask, wash your hands, and keep your head up!
What's Inside?
1 x 49-card Playset deck
3 x Handouts (The Score, Kickers & Names)
4 x Pages (Trashfire logo, 3/4/5 player layouts)
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)