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Roll20 Marketplace Product

Burn Bryte Core Rulebook Compendium

Author: Roll20

Compendium Expansion: Readable and searchable in all games using this game system, and in the Compendium.

This Compendium Expansion is available in the following bundles

How do I access my content?

In a game using a Burn Bryte character sheet, simply go to the Compendium Tab (i) of the sidebar, where you can view and search all compendium entries, from monsters to rules. You can click on an entry to see the details, or pull monsters and rules into your game by dragging them to the game board.
Out-game, you can access the Burn Bryte compendium here.

See more about accessing Compendiums on the Roll20 Help Center.

I'm having another issue. What do I do?

Please post any questions or bug reports on the Roll20 Help Center.

i Can only be used with Roll20; cannot be downloaded.

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License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)