This title (normally $7.99) is only $4.79 for a limited time!
Area Of Effect Template Pack
This pack contains over 300 pre-configured translucent templates for measuring area of effect for spells, environmental hazards, or anything else you might need a visial reference for on your tabletop. These templates are provided in 6 colors and multiple sizes. They are translucent and allow the map to show through for easy placement. Use each color as a spell type, or assign each player a color to denote who is casting what, the choice is yours!
What does "pre-configured" mean?
This pack comes as a set of addons, and adds each template as its own sheet, placeable on the table by all. They are sorted in folders by color and shape. This means that as a GM there is no setup for you to do, as anyone can drag, place, and delete the templates as needed. The most you as the GM will ever have to do is right click the template and click "to back" to move the template behind any player or NPC tokens.
Now Updated for individual installation!
This pack has now been separated into multiple addons. You can now install only the color or colors you want, as well as one addon containing all colors.
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)