This title (normally $9.99) is only $5.99 for a limited time!
"Isle of Lore 2: Hex Tiles" is a pack of hex tiles spanning forests, deserts, oceans, cities, meadows, hills, swamps, mountains and more, with 10 tiles for every biome to ensure variety, and many of them in an additional winter variant. The tiles come both in a flat-bottom and a pointy-bottom version and the pack includes overlays for paths, roads and rivers, tile flairs and tile markers as well as 30 location icons and a selection of elements from which the tiles were created.
The tiles were scaled down to 188x162 px (flat-bottom) and 162x188 px (pointy-bottom) for use in Roll20. The elements package (trees, rocks etc.) here on Roll20 was scaled down and only 5 instances per element type were included.
These assets work great with my other "Isle of Lore 2" packs:
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License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)