The Hex is Marching in and this set has got EVERYTHING you need to build a breath taking World or Region map. With 2000+ Tiles you can literally shape the land in an infinite number of ways. Planning a Pirate Adventure, this set has over 60 Islands to hop. Whether you are heading into the Mountains or traveling down Roads, Trade Routes, and Rivers! Symbols for your Cities, Caves, Ruins, and so much more. Volume 2 contains a Northern Coast building kit, with Tundra, Snow Fields, Grasslands, Glaciers, Icebergs, Mountains, Snow Capped Pines, and a whole lot more! This set is also perfect for creating West March style hex crawl maps, just give your tiles character journals to link you to your Map Keys!
Pro Tip and Suggestions: Size tiles to around to 96x96 pixels. I like to Bring the Opacity of my grid all the way up to 100% and change the color of the grid to Black, and that helps with any single pixel overlap. You can try setting the Grid size to 2, and hold ALT while dragging and dropping your tokens to the battle map, or you can even export these tiles to your favorite Hex building apps!
March on down to my Twitter & Instagram and hex crawl to my Patreon for more!
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)